Week 4; July 17, 2014
What's in the box?
Full Share (sorry for the blur!)
curly kale
green onions
summer squash/ zucchini
Single Share
green beans and dragon tongue beans
summer squash/zucchini
rainbow chard
green onions
Notes on the box....
There will be more cabbage and more broccoli in the coming weeks. These crops and the greens are loving these unseasonably cool temperatures!
Lettuce, parsley, kale and chard will all keep best in an open plastic bag in your crisper.
We will give full shares beans next week. The Dragon Tongue beans are an heirloom that we've grown off and on for several years. The flavor is wonderful raw and we love how pretty they are added to salads. They are also yummy cooked, but they lose their nice purple spots.
Have you been staying on top of using your green onions? We've been adding them to everything in place of onions, including the green tops and all! I've also been making quick minced green onions mixed with a handful of whatever herb I have around and adding it to soups, stews, eggs, sauteed vegetables, and sprinkling on top of fish, chicken, or porkchops at the very end of cooking. It adds a nice freshness and a lot of flavor. I just put the roughly chopped onion and herbs (and maybe a little olive oil and salt) into the mini food processor and buzz it until everything is nice and finely chopped. You can also add this to homemade salad dressing. Super quick and easy way to bring simple dishes to the next level!
Kale Salad with Miso and Pistachio
Sweet Cabbage Slaw with Parsley and Green Onions
Pasta and Fried Zucchini Salad
Zucchini Pasta and Green Goddess Dressing
Try this Green Barley with Kale, Chard, or see the note at the bottom of the directions to see how we made this with Broccoli!...
[yumprint-recipe id='35']
On the farm...
Wow, the weather has been cool. Record cold weather out here for this time of year. Sigh. How we long for a nice average season! The Summer crops are shivering a bit and very slow growing, but the spring crops and lettuce are really liking it just fine! Summer will come soon, right??!
We are in the process of rescheduling dates for farm events for the season. Most of them have been set around certain crops being ready and those dates are being pushed back by the weather. We hope to have a good idea by next week of our farm events. In the meantime, have a look at the calendar of events happening at our neighbor and community meeting place, the Hungry Turtle Farm and Learning Center.
Green bean harvest.
The harvest was great and the garlic was beautiful! Our first year after planting new seed, so we are quite happy! The Garlic will have to dry and cure for a while. We will update you on it soon!