Moving right along...
We have been very busy getting ready for the coming season! We are lucky that we have some good friends that are fellow farmers that have started our earliest crops of scallions. We will buy in onion starts this year, but we are anxious to get started with brassicas and herbs in the propogation house. We took it down last month, and the crew has been busy getting it put up at our new farm location! First things first, the snow is cleared...
next ground posts were driven into the FROZEN ground
end walls going up then the hoops and purlins
lookin real nice!!
next the insulation for the floor goes in followed by the pex tubing that will heat the floor
Then the sand that the flats will sit on.
then the plastic is pulled over the hoops and secured with wiggle wire.
At this point the wind really picked up, so we don't have pictures of the process since we were trying to stop everything from flying away. But in the end it looks great and we will be up and running very soon! We are really looking forward to it. It really feels like spring when we get our hands in the dirt and start seeing little seedlings sprouting out of the damp potting mix! mmmm. Can't wait!