Week 14; October 3, 2013
What's in the box?
herb bunch - savory
Winter Squash - acorn or butternut, kabocha, delicata, or sweet dumpling, black futsu
heirloom tomatoes
bell peppers
rainbow chard
rainbow chard
heirloom tomatoes
herb bunch - savory
bell and sweet peppers
Winter Squash - black futsu, acorn, delacata, or sweet dumpling
Notes on the box...
Do not store potatoes, winter squash, onions, or tomatoes in the fridge. They are good on the counter or for potatoes and onions, in a cool and dark place.
Broccoli, Cauliflower, and rainbow chard will last longer if they are bagged and put in the crisper of your fridge. The Broccoli really pumped it out this week! We harvested over 1000 pounds, so you have several pounds in your box. If it's more than you can use in a week, consider making a big pot of creamy broccoli soup and freezing some for later. Broccoli is easily blanched and frozen. The stalks are edible and can be chopped and cooked same as the florets, however, they take a little more time, so start them first.
This will be the last week for peppers. There had been freezing temperatures predicted, so we started cleaning up the plants, but the predictions were changed. Field tomatoes were done last week. Summer fruiting crops have definitely wound down. We still have green house tomatoes, though!
Rainbow chard can be cooked as you would spinach. The stems are edible as well, just cut them up and begin cooking them earlier than the leaves as they take a little longer to become tender. The leaves wilt down very quickly.
We got all of the Winter Squash out of the fields. It was a pretty great harvest, so we will be sending quite a lot your way in the coming weeks. Don't worry if you can't finish it within the week. They will keep easily for weeks and even months in a cool, dark place (but not the fridge)! You may even save the thicker skinned squash for Thanksgiving! See last weeks post for more information about different varieties of squash.
Broccoli Parmesan Fritters from the Smitten Kitchen
Spaghetti with Broccoli Cream Pesto from Smitten Kitchen
Martha Stewart's Broccoli Recipe roundup
Martha Stewart's Acorn Squash Recipe roundup (other squuash can be used as well)