Week 18; October 5, 2023

What’s in the box?

Notes on the box.

Two weeks left of CSA deliveries!

Cosmic Wheel Creamery Cheese Shares.

Cheese curds! and the cheese that can be made from cheese curds, cheddar! We call ours Arcturus. Use a few cheese curds as a garnish for chili or veggie soup! The Arcturus is also good shredded on some chili, or on a cheese board.


on the farm.

I want to celebrate the fact we have been supported by our community of eaters for almost 20 years with some of you! And 14 years from the start of Turnip Rock Farm. We’ve had an amazing run with the CSA! Years of abundance and joyful growing as well as some losses and strife, but much more of the former than the latter. We’ve been helped by so many amazing farm workers and fed SO MANY incredible people! CSA is a fantastic model that has made our farming possible and we truly believe it is one of the very best ways for small farms to make a living. That said, we are feeling like it’s time for us to change course. I (Josh) have taken on a role at the largest food hub in MN- The Good Acre, as the Director of Grower Support - I’ll be using my 20 years of experience growing vegetables to help other farmers find stability and success on their own farms, and helping direct a food hub organization in what real equity and market access can look like. On our farm, we will continue to make the best 100% grass-fed cheese we know how- by hand, seasonally, with nature, and from our small herd of cows. We will be more paired down in our vegetable offerings and less extensive in our delivery range. But we do wish to continue to grow food for you, work with other farmers, and come up with better models that fit your needs. We are still imagining what next season will look like, but there will likely be a switch from a CSA model to something more similar to what we offer during the Wintertime. Bi-weekly or monthly online orders that can include meat, cheese, and some veggies. We will still sell cheese at farmers markets and have an on-farm store during the growing season. As we scale back our veggie growing, there may be space for beginning farmers hoping to have a go at growing to share some of the land and infrastructure that we have built over the years… There’s so many possibilities! We are still going to be growing food, soil, and caring for this piece of land that we love so much and are so fortunate to get to exist on! We have so much gratitude to all of you who have been with us for so many years! We have loved feeding you and your families and we hope to continue that going forward! More details will come as plans come together.

Change is constant, and so we roll with it. Please continue to support and know your local farmers!

next two weeks.

kale, squash, cabbage, sage, parsley, carrots, green top beets, radishes, turnips, brussel sprouts

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