Week 16; September 22, 2022
What’s in the box?
arugula (large and medium)
greens mix
green top beets
butternut squash
spinach (medium)
cauliflower (large)
Notes on the box.
Butternut squash should be stored out of the fridge. It will keep for a long time, so you can use it as autumn decor for a while if you like. But' it’s also super yummy, so you might not be able to hold onto it for too long.
Tomatoes and onions should also be stored outside if the fridge
Remove tops from carrots and beets for storage.
The greens mix isn’t lettuce based, but some nice hearty mizuna, totsoi, and baby kale that has a nice flavor and holds up well to salads with heavy dressing or roasted beets and toasted nuts.
Cosmic Wheel Creamery Cheese Shares.
This week we have Feta and Cygnus, which is our aged swiss cheese. We don’t have the perfect aging conditions to make nice smooth holds in the wheels, but it still has the nice swiss flavors.
The feta is great in a salad or on a pizza with the arugula or greens mix!