Week 13; September 1, 2022

What’s in the box?

red and golden beets (medium and large)
basil (medium and large)
greens mix
bell peppers
head lettuce

Notes on the box.

The greens mix has a variety of mustards and some tatsoi, mizuna. You can use it in places where you would arugula. It has a similar peppery taste. You can use it as a salad type mix or you can braise it.
Beet tops are edible and you can use them as you would chard or spinach for cooking.

Cosmic Wheel Creamery Cheese Shares.

This week I made some Fresh Mozzarella! I haven’t made fresh mozzarella in a few years, I think. It’s not one that I make a lot because The process of stretching it by hand is hot and labor intensive and kind of unpredictable for me at this point. It may be a bit salty, so you may want to taste it so you can adjust the salt levels of whatever you add it to (great for margherita pizza or in a salad with tomatoes and fresh basil). I had a fun time making the mozzarella even though it was a late night, so I might try it again so I can improve my skills and consistency with it. Only way for me to get better at it is to keep practicing! We will see how long tomato season goes and if it makes sense to send another round another week.
I also included Lyra made in the spring. It’s mild and makes a next level grilled cheese with a slice of tomato and some pesto!


Margherita Pizza
Roasted Golden Beet Salad with Feta and Lemon Vinaigrette (substitute the greens mix for arugula in this recipe)
Mizuna with Garlic and Bacon

On the farm.

If you have signed up for 12 weeks and then auto-renew on your CSA share, those auto-renews will be coming up. It’s a good idea to go into your account and schedule any holds that you know of that you would like to use. You can schedule as many or as few as you like. Our season ends on November 2, so we still have many weeks of veggies coming! But of course, the types of veggies will change as the season changes.

Kids here are back in school… We heard that it’s now meteorologic fall… The sun is officially setting before 8pm now. We will enjoy every bit of warm sunshine that we can and all the ripe tomatoes and basil and peppers. Hope you are, too!

Next Week

more tomatoes
more peppers
romaine lettuce
maybe delicata squash??

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