Week 14; September 6, 2018

What's in the box?  


Sweet Peppers and Bell Peppers (none hot)
Delicata Squash
Baby Kale - bagged
Arugula - Bunched

Notes on the box.

Tomatoes, Onions, and Delicata Squash should all be stored out of the fridge (though you can put tomatoes in the fridge if you plan on cooking them). 
The Delicata Squash has edible skin.  That makes it the perfect squash for making roasted half-moons.  Cut in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, then cut into half moons.  Toss with a little olive oil and salt.  You can add spices at this point, too.  Chili powder, berbere, parmesan and Italian seasoning, etc... Roast at 400 for 15 minutes, flip and cook for another 15-20 min.  
Everything else can go in the fridge.  Arugula is the bunched greens and can be chopped for fresh salad, made into a pesto, or chopped and added to hot pasta to wilt it before eating. It has quite a bit of holes from flea beatles (the bugs that destroyed our fall brassicas like broccoli), but don't worry, the holes don't taste like anything!  Remove greens from the radishes.  Radish Greens are edible if you can't get enough greens!    

Cosmic Wheel Creamery Cheese Shares.

This week we have two different batches of Circle of the Sun.  One was made in early Spring of this year and the other was made in early November of last year.  It's fun to taste them together to see the variation and how much the cheeses change based on how much hay vs. grass the cows are eating, the time of year, and how long it has aged.  


Warm Kale and Delicata Squash Salad
Roasted Squash Bowls with Arugula and Apples
Roasted Delicata Squash with Cilantro Chimichurri
Sheet Pan Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

On the Farm.

REMINDER:  Harvest Party and Land Stewardship Fundraiser on September 22!  We do hope you can make it out for delicious food, fun farm tours, and movies in the barn.  We will start at 4 PM and we do hope you can make it out!  

More rain.  After so many dry weeks we've really gotten quite a lot of rain in the last 2 weeks.  Almost 6 inches!  Thankfully not nearly as much as some of our farmer friends in Southern Wisconsin.  We've seen some photos of washed away top soil and drowned crops that are heartbreaking.  We hope everyone there gets a chance to dry off!  

Squash is harvested, and safe in the shed. Potatoes are dug and stored. Tomato trellis is pulled. And the weather has cooled down and the light is looking like fall. We still have a big carrot harvest and Brussel sprouts to look forward to and garlic to plant in Mid October. But this is the time that things begin to slow down a bit.

This transition back into fall crops is going to be a little awkward with so many brassica crops missing due to dry hot weather and more flea beatles than we have ever seen. But we have tried to fill in with some new crops, and we'll see how it goes. By no means will the box be empty. This season marks my 15th year managing a CSA. Every year is a new adventure.  

3 more weeks to go for the main season which ends September 27. 
We have chosen to roll out the last 4 season extension boxes right after the main season is up. Putting the last of the vegetable deliveries October 25. 

We are anticipating another meat share delivery, October 4, we will have pork and lamb! Just in time for a delicious fall roast.  We do have extra meat, so inquire for more details. 

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